從第一天起,Team Thrive 就打破了產業規範,堅信創造不同的東西。作為一個主要由女性擁有的組織,代表著不斷成長且日益多元化的員工群體,我們努力建立一個投資組合、一個團隊,並在許多方面建立了一個 家庭 才華洋溢、富有靈感和鼓舞人心的人類。

在過去的 eight consecutive years, Thrive has been voted one of Washington’s Best Workplaces, and in 2024, we made the list in Oregon for the second time as we continue to expand into the Portland, Eugene, and Bend market!
這些獎項直接來自我們組織各級員工的機密回饋,每年,我們都會牢記每一個回饋。透過我們全年進行的內部匿名調查,我們能夠捕捉並不斷改進成為 Thriver 的意義。

我們的團隊不僅僅是創造讓我們的居民和同事茁壯成長的空間。透過我們的 努力繁榮 除了委員會之外,我們還致力於支持我們生活和經營的社區,無論是透過捐贈活動、改善當地環境或從頭開始建立社區。
Rose Blankers 在擔任總裁兼執行長期間,同時也是 Thrive 的文化、人員和願景主管。這三大支柱是 Thrive 的基礎,Rose 確保這些要素保持平衡並與其對應要素結合,以便公司可以發揮最大潛力。 Rose 體現了僕人式領導者的品質——設定公司的願景和目標,然後努力確保它們既反映了 Thrive 敬業的員工希望在公司中看到的東西,又為客戶提供高於市場的結果。
在過去的二十年裡,羅斯在物業管理行業不斷晉升,擔任會計、財務和營運職務,這段期間她的領導能力得到了提升。她與客戶和員工建立聯繫的能力,同時展現了她的財務敏銳度,是 Thrive 成長的關鍵;在羅斯的領導下,該公司迅速且可持續地發展到今天的水平。
Rose 畢業於西雅圖大學,獲得金融學士學位和 MBA 學位,並被評為 2023 年 PSBJ 40 歲以下 40 人獲獎者。
Gary 擁有建築管理學位和超過 17 年的多戶家庭經驗,他確保翻新項目按時、按預算交付,並採用獨特的方法,使我們的社區真正蓬勃發展。加里(Gary)監督了許多屢獲殊榮的翻修工程,包括華盛頓多戶住房協會的「年度翻修社區」等。
Kari 擁有吸引、激勵和留住多戶住宅行業最優秀、最聰明人才的獨特能力。從 Thrive 現場團隊的表現中可以看出她對指導和協助團隊成員成長的真誠熱情。
Kari 於 1986 年在 Trammell Crow Residential Services (TCRS) 開始了她的物業管理職業生涯,負責華盛頓和俄勒岡州所有資產的培訓和物業行銷。 1994 年,她加入 Equity Residential,擔任區域副總裁,負責管理 PNW 的 15,000 套公寓。在此職位上,Kari 管理著 300 多名員工,其中包括 5 名區域經理。 2006 年,Kari 加入 Investco Management Services (IMS),負責行銷和管理計畫的製定和實施,包括公寓投資組合的年度預算流程。
Dave Kirzinger 在房地產領域享有傑出的職業生涯,曾在收購、開發和物業管理領域擔任高階職位。 33 年來,Dave 一直專注於美國西海岸的多戶住宅租賃。
Dave 在史丹佛大學獲得 MBA 學位後,於 1989 年在 Trammell Crow Residential 開始了他的職業生涯。 1997 年 AvalonBay 進入西雅圖市場時,他們聘請了 Dave 來開設地區辦事處。六年後,戴夫 (Dave) 離開阿瓦隆灣 (AvalonBay) 時,他負責管理西雅圖和南加州以及約 8,000 套公寓的投資組合。
在 AvalonBay 任職後,Dave 成為加拿大私人多戶住宅建築商 MOSAIC Homes 的西雅圖營運合作夥伴。 Dave 和他的 MOSAIC 合作夥伴於 2012 年共同創立了 RISE Properties Trust,並於同年成為 Thrive Communities 的合作夥伴。如今,RISE 在西雅圖和波特蘭擁有價值約 $25 億的公寓,所有這些公寓均由 Thrive 專業管理,作為其約 17,000 套公寓管理組合的一部分。
April 在多戶住宅產業擁有超過 25 年的經驗,負責監督 Thrive 強大的公寓投資組合,並領導該公司的區域管理團隊和「Thriving」現場員工。她創新和包容的領導風格奠定了她執行公司成長策略的能力,與客戶建立牢固的關係,同時為致力於成功的員工創造內部機會文化。
April 對卓越的不懈追求增強了 Thrive 的投資組合績效指標,事實證明,她積極建立和指導團隊的方法是 Thrive 公司文化的寶貴資產。 April 目前擔任華盛頓多戶住宅協會(國家公寓協會的州分會)的董事會成員。
Chief Marketing Officer
As Chief Marketing Officer at Thrive Communities, Paul oversees the brand experience, property marketing, technology, IT operations, and client services, driving innovation and delivering value across the company’s diverse portfolio. His leadership ensures that Thrive remains at the forefront of creating exceptional living experiences while leveraging cutting-edge technology and data-driven strategies.
Prior to joining Thrive, Paul served as Vice President of Operations for Gold’s Gym Northwest, where he managed overall operations for multiple locations, with a focus on customer engagement, operational excellence, and organizational growth.
Paul is an active member of the Washington Multi-Family Housing Association (WMFHA) and serves as a board member for the AIM Conference, reflecting his dedication to advancing the multifamily housing industry. A Seattle native, Paul is passionate about minimizing the environmental impact of multifamily housing and giving back to the communities Thrive serves, fostering innovation and connection in the Pacific Northwest.
Emilie McFarlane
Chief of Staff
As Chief of Staff at Thrive, Emilie partners with the executive team to align departmental goals, drive strategic initiatives, and support company growth. She fosters cross-functional collaboration, champions organizational culture, and leads critical projects, working with all Thrive departments, clients, vendors, and stakeholders to optimize operations and decision-making.
With over 20 years of experience in executive leadership support, marketing, and sales, Emilie excels at building strong relationships and driving operational efficiency. She holds a B.A. in Business Administration and Marketing from Western Washington University and brings a versatile background across industries including food and beverage, product marketing, education, healthcare, and technology.
Joy Clegg
Senior Vice President of Accounting
Joy leads Thrive’s corporate and property accounting departments. In this capacity, she oversees all aspects of financial reporting and treasury operations. Additionally, Joy is a key member of the executive team to help drive the achievement of business plan objectives and risk management.
Prior to joining Thrive, Joy led various accounting departments for commercial, residential, and retail real estate investment and management companies. Her professional accounting experience also includes serving as Audit Manager for Grant Thornton, the sixth largest U.S. accounting and advisory organization. Throughout her near 20 years of public and private accounting experience, Joy has enjoyed leading dynamic teams focused on delivering quality customer service and reporting built on recognized accounting standards and established internal controls.
Joy received her Bachelor of Arts at the University of California, Berkeley, and her Master of Professional Accounting at the University of Washington, Seattle. She is a Certified Public Accountant licensed in Washington state.
Ruchelle 是行業領導者,為 Thrive 帶來了超過 22 年的物業管理經驗。她的背景涵蓋城市和郊區的預開發和租賃、穩定、再開發、收購和處置。在加入 Thrive 之前,Ruchelle 職業生涯的大部分時間都在一家領先的標準普爾 500 房地產投資信託公司工作,憑藉創新技術和市場策略,該公司在收入方面年復一年地領先西雅圖地區。
Ruchelle 了解從頭開始經營社區的多面向複雜性。她的職業生涯始於兼職租賃顧問,在那裡她愛上了物業管理的所有事物,特別是人們。她體現了一種關懷文化,並為從現場團隊到客戶的每一次互動帶來積極的能量和領導力。她還獲得了華盛頓多戶住房協會頒發的年度社區經理獎,以及最近的年度投資組合主管獎。
Vice President of Construction and Maintenance
Brian 是一位經驗豐富的專家,在施工和維護方面擁有 20 多年的經驗,為施工和維護團隊提供支援。他成功領導了華盛頓州 4,000 多套單戶住宅的翻新和維護。他的多元化背景涵蓋多戶住宅建設、單戶住宅維護和建設、歷史改造和資產保護。布萊恩以其卓越的談判技巧而聞名,致力於確保客戶在修復和維護社區時獲得最佳價值。在他的職業生涯中,他監督了總計超過 $5 億的維護和建設項目,展現了他應對和解決各種挑戰的能力。
Vice President of Client Services
Jason 來自東岸,在美國東西岸擁有超過 20 年的產業經驗。 2013 年,他搬到太平洋西北地區,並從此定居西雅圖。
2019 年 Jason 加入 Thrive 擔任區域經理,主要為 CBD 和國會山莊市場提供服務。迄今為止,在 Thrive 工作期間,他在從柯克蘭到倫頓的東區工作過,但他的重點仍然是西雅圖,對市場提供的具有挑戰性的立法和法律環境充滿熱情。
在 Thrive 任職期間,Jason 一直擔任 Thrive 的 EPRAP/COVID 回應團隊的核心成員,該團隊在 COVID-19 期間一直到今天制定策略、制定政策和程序。他也是 Thrive 的 GROW 和區域經理髮展計劃的積極領導者,致力於培養我們的下一個區域領導者團隊。
作為收入和資產管理總監,Jason 將確保 Thrive 的所有社群在其市場和子市場中得到公平定位,以根據當前市場狀況實現最佳財務績效。
Mackenzie Jistel
Mackenzie joined Thrive in 2018 and leads the Human Resources team. She supported Thrive in bringing the HR Department in-house in 2019 and has continued to serve as a trusted resource for Thrivers, streamline processes, and foster an environment where associates feel seen. Whether its payroll, benefits, employee relations, or employee housing, Mackenzie and her team are dedicated to making the Thrive experience positive and impactful.
Mackenzie holds a B.S.B.A. in Business Administration, HR Management and an M.A. in Higher Education Administration from Central Michigan University, as well as a certificate as a Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Certified Professional.
Louie 於 2018 年加入 Thrive,並在擔任會計總監期間擁有 10 多年的會計經驗,負責監督 Thrive Communities 的所有財產會計財務事宜。他的專長在於改善財務流程、制定和實施強有力的政策和程序以及確保遵守監管標準。
Louie 擁有註冊會計師證書,並獲得普渡大學會計和商業管理學士學位。
Kari 領導著一支由傑出且敬業的區域培訓師組成的團隊,負責培訓和發展 Thrive 的團隊成員。從第一次迎新課程到更高階的課程,Kari 專注於將潛力轉化為業界領先的績效。她在多戶住宅行業擁有 25 年的經驗,包括現場和區域支援職位,擅長與組織各個級別的 Thrivers 建立關係。
作為一名終身學習者,卡里 (Kari) 對學習的神經科學和創造引人入勝的教育體驗充滿熱情。她將這種精力和專業知識用於創建和改進培訓計劃,使 Thrive 的員工能夠在各自的團隊中實現個人成長,就像公司本身的發展一樣。
Kari 擁有傳播學學士學位和教育碩士學位。喬治梅森大學教學設計博士學位。她為 Team Thrive 帶來了寶貴的經驗,之前曾在 Archstone-Smith、Air Communities 和 Weidner 工作過,並且是 NAAEI 認證教師的成員。
Senior Director of Operations
Nick Beller leads Thrive’s Operations Department, bringing an expansive background in accounting and IT operations to the team. His passion for analysis and process improvement allow Thrive to be a forward thinker in the ever-changing landscape of PNW multi-family property management.
Nick 利用他的會計經驗,最大限度地提高他的業務系統團隊對 Thrive 利潤的財務影響。尼克擁有岡薩加大學會計學士學位。
Kevin Pugsley
Director of Operations
Kevin Pugsley is the Director of Operations at Thrive, where he leads our floating workforce (CREW Team), ensures the seamless onboarding of new communities, and manages the successful rollout of new systems and initiatives. With over 15 years of experience in property management, Kevin has built a diverse career path, starting as an on-site Leasing Consultant and progressing through roles as Community Manager, Training Manager, and Integrations Manager. Driven by a passion for Thrive’s culture and values, Kevin combines his deep industry knowledge with his commitment to team development, ensuring that our operations are not only aligned with our values but also strategically positioned for long-term success.
Kevin holds a B.A. from the University of Idaho and is a NAA Certified Virtual Facilitator.
Jordan 領導 Thrive Communities 的行銷團隊,推動公司多元化產品組合的創新且有影響力的品牌策略的設計和執行。 Jordan 擁有深厚的平面設計和行銷背景,熱衷於創造真實且能引起共鳴的解決方案,與客戶和社群建立聯繫。
憑藉著十多年的設計行業經驗,Jordan 對美學、品牌以及跨媒體和平台的溝通有著敏銳的洞察力。 Jordan 專注於體驗式圖形,擅長打造從螢幕到社群的沉浸式體驗。
Jordan 擁有克萊姆森大學建築學士學位,輔修視覺藝術,並與全國各行業的眾多客戶合作,為 Team Thrive 帶來了寶貴的經驗。
Todd Hildebrand brings over 15 years of multifamily experience to the company. Prior to Thrive, Todd worked for the third largest military housing provider in the nation for over nine years on multiple public, private venture housing projects. His multifaceted professional background includes management roles in maintenance, operations and project management.
托德喜歡擴展他的行業知識並在他的團隊和社區中建立持久的關係。他擁有認證公寓組合主管 (CAPS) 和認證住宅經理 (ARM) 行業認證,並獲得中央華盛頓大學工商管理學士學位。在空閒時間,托德喜歡與妻子和兩個女兒一起做飯、划船和旅行。
Andi Hill 於 2018 年加入 Thrive,擔任區域總監,她擁有超過 15 年的經驗,領導著一支由 170 多名員工組成的團隊,遍布 40 個社區,價值超過 $1.8B。安迪與她的員工和客戶合作,監督業務、翻新和營運計劃,以優化華盛頓州穩定和租賃公寓資產的績效。 Andi 非常適合此職位,此前她曾擔任 Thrive Communities 的業務開發總監和區域經理(2018 年至 2022 年),最近在所有權集團 RISE Properties Trust 的資產管理部門(2022 年至 2023 年)負責監督RISE 在大西雅圖都會區的所有全資資產以及與東急合資的所有資產。在加入 Thrive 之前,Andi 為國際設計公司管理業務發展計劃,並在 2007 年至 2018 年期間監督華盛頓特區和華盛頓州西雅圖的經濟發展和城市場所營造計劃。
Andi 擁有公寓投資組合主管認證 (CAPS) 行業認證,並獲得了碩士學位。她在倫敦經濟學院獲得社會政策學士學位(2007 年),並在俄勒岡大學獲得政治學學士學位(2005 年),並以優異成績畢業。在她的整個職業生涯中,安迪一直是西雅圖和華盛頓特區各個組織的積極志工。
Jennifer Vivette
Jennifer brings over 25 years of multifamily experience, including ten years with Thrive Communities. Known for her nurturing leadership and relationship-building skills, she specializes in managing stabilized assets, redevelopments, transitions, and value-add projects. Jennifer is active in Washington State Multifamily Housing Association, serves currently on the WMFHA Gives committee, and was a finalist for the 2020 Emerald Award Portfolio Manager of the Year. She holds a Certified Apartment Portfolio Supervisor (CAPS) certification and is passionate about growing Thrive’s bench strength by leading the Thrive Area Manager Mentorship Program.
Troy Costello
Troy Costello joined Thrive in 2009, bringing with him over 15 years at Thrive with expertise in Community Management, Regional Leadership, and Senior-Regional operations, alongside a total of 20 years of experience in the real estate industry. Throughout his career, he has made significant strides in the Puget Sound Region, Maryland, and Virginia markets. Troy’s diverse skill set spans lease-ups, stabilized properties, redevelopments, as well as acquisitions and dispositions across both urban and suburban landscapes—always with a sharp focus on people and performance. Prior to joining Thrive, Troy made his mark at Mosaic Homes beginning in 2003, specializing in condominium conversions across the Greater Seattle area.
Shea Whitcomb
Shea joined Thrive in December 2023 as a Lease-up Regional Manager and quickly rose to a Senior Regional Manager in 2024. With over 16 years in the industry, she brings a collaborative and solution-oriented leadership style to the Regional Director position. She spent the first 8 years of her career in various onsite positions ranging from Leasing Consultant to Senior Property Manager. In 2017, she was promoted to Regional Supervisor where she was responsible for new construction, renovation and affordable communities in both urban and suburban markets throughout Oregon and Washington. Her multifaceted experience compliments her ability to think strategically and maximize revenue while providing exceptional support to her team.
In her new role as Regional Director – Lease – Ups, she is focusing on strengthening existing relationships in her stellar lease-up RM group and building a dynamic portfolio of new construction properties in the market. She will continue to leverage her extensive lease-up expertise and work to partner with other Thrive departments to create and refine a truly exceptional Thrive lease-up process.
Mario Manriquez
Mario began his multifamily career over a decade ago as a Leasing Consultant and has since held every position within an onsite team. This extensive, hands-on experience has provided him with a deep, operational perspective that has been instrumental in his success as a Regional Manager. Mario consistently exemplified Thrive’s core values, building and nurturing strong, long-term relationships with clients while mentoring and developing high-performing teams. His leadership has been instrumental in fostering a culture of engagement, empowerment, and continuous performance improvement across his portfolio. Under his guidance, his teams have achieved significant operational success, both in terms of client satisfaction and overall business outcomes. His ability to lead by example, foster high-performing teams, and deliver exceptional results makes him a key contributor to Thrive’s ongoing success.
Don 透過監督、願景和策略方向領導維修團隊,為 Thrive 的客戶群提供支援。在他的指導下,Thrive 的維護團隊確保每項資產的物理狀況安全、有吸引力且得到妥善維護。
Don 擁有 30 多年的公寓行業經驗,是資本規劃和執行、費用控制、環境監督、員工安全、OSHA、ADA 和施工管理方面的專家。他對培訓和建立團隊的熱情幫助 Thrive 吸引並留住頂尖人才。
Don 是一名經過認證的泳池操作員、泳池和熱水浴缸聯盟的講師、經過認證的通用技術員以及 ESCO 研究所的監考人員。