从第一天起,Team Thrive 就打破了行业常规,坚信要创造与众不同的东西。作为一家主要由女性拥有的组织,我们代表着一个日益壮大且日益多样化的员工群体,我们努力打造一个投资组合、一个团队,并且在许多方面 家庭 才华横溢、充满灵感和鼓舞人心的人类。
我们关心员工,庆祝他们的成功,经常征求他们的意见,并针对机会领域做出回应。我们为所有教育背景和经验水平的 Thrivers 提供周到的培训和专业成长计划,以拓展他们的职业生涯或尝试全新的事物。
在 Thrive,人们被看到。他们被听到。他们被了解。这就是我们蓬勃发展的原因。

在过去的 eight consecutive years, Thrive has been voted one of Washington’s Best Workplaces, and in 2024, we made the list in Oregon for the second time as we continue to expand into the Portland, Eugene, and Bend market!

我们的团队不仅仅致力于创造让居民和同事蓬勃发展的空间。通过我们的 努力发展 委员会,我们还致力于支持我们所居住和运营的社区,无论是通过捐赠活动,改善当地环境还是(从字面上)从头开始建设社区。
Thrive Communities 总裁兼首席执行官
作为总裁兼首席执行官,罗斯·布兰克斯 (Rose Blankers) 还担任 Thrive 的文化、人才和愿景主管。这三大支柱是 Thrive 的基础,罗斯确保这些要素保持平衡并相互融合,从而使公司发挥最大潜力。罗斯体现了仆人式领导者的品质——设定公司的愿景和目标,然后努力确保它们既反映了 Thrive 敬业员工对公司的期望,又为客户提供了高于市场的业绩。
过去二十年,罗斯在物业管理行业中不断晋升,担任过会计、财务和运营等职务,从而培养了自己的领导能力。她与客户和员工沟通的能力以及她敏锐的财务头脑是 Thrive 成长的关键;在罗斯的领导下,公司迅速而可持续地发展到今天的水平。
罗斯毕业于西雅图大学,获得金融学学士学位和工商管理硕士学位,并被评为 2023 年 PSBJ 40 位 40 岁以下杰出人士。
Thrive Developments 总裁
任何公寓社区的成功重建都始于一个伟大的愿景,即将资产定位为市场上独一无二的产品,同时优化客户的投资目标。Gary 敏锐地洞察每个社区的可能性,负责项目改造和我们的资本项目团队。
凭借建筑管理学位和超过 17 年的多户住宅经验,Gary 确保翻新项目按时、按预算完成,并采用独特的方法,让我们的社区真正繁荣起来。Gary 监督了多个屡获殊荣的翻新项目,包括华盛顿多户住宅协会的“年度翻新社区”等。
Kari 拥有独特的能力,能够吸引、激励和留住多户型住宅行业最优秀、最聪明的人才。她对指导和帮助团队成员成长的真诚热情可以从 Thrive 现场团队的表现中看出。
1986 年,Kari 在 Trammell Crow Residential Services (TCRS) 开始了她的物业管理职业生涯,当时她负责华盛顿和俄勒冈州所有资产的培训和物业营销。1994 年,她加入 Equity Residential,担任地区副总裁,负责管理太平洋西北地区的 15,000 套公寓。在任期间,Kari 管理着 300 多名员工,其中包括五名区域经理。2006 年,Kari 加入 Investco Management Services (IMS),负责制定和实施营销和管理计划,包括公寓组合的年度预算流程。
Kari 是全国公寓协会华盛顿分会的创始主席,目前是董事会成员。Kari 还是华盛顿州持牌房地产经纪人。
Dave Kirzinger 在房地产行业有着杰出的职业生涯,曾担任收购、开发和物业管理方面的高级职位。33 年来,Dave 一直专注于美国西海岸的多户型出租。
1989 年,戴夫从斯坦福大学获得 MBA 学位后,在 Trammell Crow Residential 开始了他的职业生涯。1997 年,AvalonBay 进入西雅图市场,他们聘请戴夫开设了地区办事处。六年后,戴夫离开 AvalonBay,负责西雅图和南加州以及约 8,000 套公寓的投资组合。
在 AvalonBay 任职后,Dave 成为 MOSAIC Homes(一家加拿大私营多户住宅建筑商)的西雅图运营合伙人。Dave 和他的 MOSAIC 合伙人于 2012 年共同创立了 RISE Properties Trust,并于同年与 Thrive Communities 成为合作伙伴。如今,RISE 在西雅图和波特兰拥有价值约 $25 亿美元的公寓,所有这些公寓均由 Thrive 精心管理,是其约 17,000 个单元管理组合的一部分。
4月 叙利亚
April 在多户型住宅行业拥有超过 25 年的经验,负责管理 Thrive 的稳健公寓组合,并领导公司的区域管理团队和“Thriving”现场员工。她的创新和包容性领导风格是她执行公司增长战略、与客户建立牢固关系以及为致力于成功的员工创造内部机会文化的基础。
April 孜孜不倦地追求卓越,增强了 Thrive 的投资组合绩效指标,而她在组建和指导团队方面的积极态度已被证明是 Thrive 公司文化的宝贵资产。April 目前担任华盛顿多户住宅协会(全国公寓协会的州分会)的董事会成员。
Chief Marketing Officer
As Chief Marketing Officer at Thrive Communities, Paul oversees the brand experience, property marketing, technology, IT operations, and client services, driving innovation and delivering value across the company’s diverse portfolio. His leadership ensures that Thrive remains at the forefront of creating exceptional living experiences while leveraging cutting-edge technology and data-driven strategies.
Prior to joining Thrive, Paul served as Vice President of Operations for Gold’s Gym Northwest, where he managed overall operations for multiple locations, with a focus on customer engagement, operational excellence, and organizational growth.
Paul is an active member of the Washington Multi-Family Housing Association (WMFHA) and serves as a board member for the AIM Conference, reflecting his dedication to advancing the multifamily housing industry. A Seattle native, Paul is passionate about minimizing the environmental impact of multifamily housing and giving back to the communities Thrive serves, fostering innovation and connection in the Pacific Northwest.
Emilie McFarlane
Chief of Staff
As Chief of Staff at Thrive, Emilie partners with the executive team to align departmental goals, drive strategic initiatives, and support company growth. She fosters cross-functional collaboration, champions organizational culture, and leads critical projects, working with all Thrive departments, clients, vendors, and stakeholders to optimize operations and decision-making.
With over 20 years of experience in executive leadership support, marketing, and sales, Emilie excels at building strong relationships and driving operational efficiency. She holds a B.A. in Business Administration and Marketing from Western Washington University and brings a versatile background across industries including food and beverage, product marketing, education, healthcare, and technology.
Joy Clegg
Senior Vice President of Accounting
Joy leads Thrive’s corporate and property accounting departments. In this capacity, she oversees all aspects of financial reporting and treasury operations. Additionally, Joy is a key member of the executive team to help drive the achievement of business plan objectives and risk management.
Prior to joining Thrive, Joy led various accounting departments for commercial, residential, and retail real estate investment and management companies. Her professional accounting experience also includes serving as Audit Manager for Grant Thornton, the sixth largest U.S. accounting and advisory organization. Throughout her near 20 years of public and private accounting experience, Joy has enjoyed leading dynamic teams focused on delivering quality customer service and reporting built on recognized accounting standards and established internal controls.
Joy received her Bachelor of Arts at the University of California, Berkeley, and her Master of Professional Accounting at the University of Washington, Seattle. She is a Certified Public Accountant licensed in Washington state.
Ruchelle 是行业领袖,为 Thrive 带来了超过 22 年的物业管理经验。她的背景涵盖城市和郊区的房地产开发前期和租赁、稳定、再开发、收购和处置。在加入 Thrive 之前,Ruchelle 的大部分职业生涯都在一家领先的标准普尔 500 房地产投资信托公司工作,凭借创新技术和市场战略,在西雅图地区取得了连年创收的优异成绩。
Ruchelle 深知从头开始管理一个社区的复杂性。她的职业生涯始于兼职租赁顾问,她爱上了物业管理的一切,尤其是人。她体现了一种关怀文化,为每一次互动带来积极的能量和领导力,从现场团队到客户。她还获得了华盛顿多户住宅协会颁发的年度社区经理奖,最近又获得了年度投资组合主管奖。
Vice President of Construction and Maintenance
Brian 是一位经验丰富的专家,在建筑和维护方面拥有 20 多年的经验,并为建筑和维护团队提供支持。他成功领导了华盛顿州 4,000 多栋单户住宅的翻新和维护。他的背景丰富多样,涵盖多户住宅建设、单户住宅维护和建设、历史建筑翻新和资产保护。Brian 以其出色的谈判技巧而闻名,致力于确保客户在修复和维护社区时获得最佳价值。在他的职业生涯中,他监督了总额超过 $5 亿美元的维护和建设项目,展示了他应对和解决各种挑战的能力。
Vice President of Client Services
Jason 来自东海岸,拥有 20 多年的行业经验,工作范围横跨美国东西海岸。2013 年,他搬到太平洋西北地区,从此定居西雅图。
2019 年,Jason 加入 Thrive 担任区域经理,主要服务于 CBD 和国会山市场。在 Thrive 任职期间,他曾在东区从柯克兰到伦顿工作过,但他的重点仍然在西雅图,他对市场提供的具有挑战性的立法和法律环境充满热情。
在 Thrive 任职期间,Jason 一直担任 Thrive EPRAP/COVID 响应团队的核心成员,该团队在 COVID-19 期间制定战略、制定政策和程序,直至今天。他还是 Thrive GROW 和区域经理发展计划的积极领导者,致力于培养我们的下一支区域领导者团队。
作为收入和资产管理总监,Jason 将确保 Thrive 的所有社区在其市场和子市场中定位公平,以根据当前市场状况实现最佳财务业绩。
Mackenzie Jistel
Mackenzie joined Thrive in 2018 and leads the Human Resources team. She supported Thrive in bringing the HR Department in-house in 2019 and has continued to serve as a trusted resource for Thrivers, streamline processes, and foster an environment where associates feel seen. Whether its payroll, benefits, employee relations, or employee housing, Mackenzie and her team are dedicated to making the Thrive experience positive and impactful.
Mackenzie holds a B.S.B.A. in Business Administration, HR Management and an M.A. in Higher Education Administration from Central Michigan University, as well as a certificate as a Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Certified Professional.
Louie 于 2018 年加入 Thrive,拥有超过 10 年的会计经验,担任会计总监,负责监督 Thrive Communities 的所有房地产会计财务。他的专长在于改进财务流程、制定和实施强有力的政策和程序以及确保遵守监管标准。
Louie 拥有 CPA 认证,并获得了普渡大学会计和工商管理学士学位。
Kari 带领一支由优秀且敬业的区域培训师组成的团队,负责培训和培养 Thrive 的团队成员。从首次入职培训到更高级的课程,Kari 专注于将员工的潜力发展为行业领先的表现。凭借在多户型住宅行业 25 年的经验,包括担任现场和区域支持角色,她擅长与组织各个级别的 Thrivers 建立关系。
Kari 是一位终身学习者,她对学习的神经科学和创造引人入胜的教育体验充满热情。她将这种精力和专业知识用于创建和改进培训计划,让 Thrive 的员工能够随着公司的发展而实现个人和各自团队的成长。
Kari 拥有乔治梅森大学传播学学士学位和教学设计硕士学位。她曾在 Archstone-Smith、Air Communities 和 Weidner 工作,为 Team Thrive 带来了宝贵经验,并且是 NAAEI 认证教师。
Senior Director of Operations
Nick Beller leads Thrive’s Operations Department, bringing an expansive background in accounting and IT operations to the team. His passion for analysis and process improvement allow Thrive to be a forward thinker in the ever-changing landscape of PNW multi-family property management.
Nick 利用他的会计经验,最大限度地发挥他的业务系统团队为 Thrive 带来的财务影响。Nick 拥有冈萨加大学会计学学士学位。
Kevin Pugsley
Director of Operations
Kevin Pugsley is the Director of Operations at Thrive, where he leads our floating workforce (CREW Team), ensures the seamless onboarding of new communities, and manages the successful rollout of new systems and initiatives. With over 15 years of experience in property management, Kevin has built a diverse career path, starting as an on-site Leasing Consultant and progressing through roles as Community Manager, Training Manager, and Integrations Manager. Driven by a passion for Thrive’s culture and values, Kevin combines his deep industry knowledge with his commitment to team development, ensuring that our operations are not only aligned with our values but also strategically positioned for long-term success.
Kevin holds a B.A. from the University of Idaho and is a NAA Certified Virtual Facilitator.
Jordan 领导 Thrive Communities 的营销团队,推动为公司多元化投资组合设计和执行创新且有影响力的品牌战略。Jordan 在平面设计和营销方面拥有丰富的经验,热衷于创造真实且有共鸣的解决方案,以与客户和社区建立联系。
乔丹拥有克莱姆森大学建筑学学士学位,辅修视觉艺术,曾与全国各个行业的众多客户合作,为 Team Thrive 带来了宝贵的经验。
Todd Hildebrand brings over 15 years of multifamily experience to the company. Prior to Thrive, Todd worked for the third largest military housing provider in the nation for over nine years on multiple public, private venture housing projects. His multifaceted professional background includes management roles in maintenance, operations and project management.
Todd 喜欢拓展自己的行业知识,与团队和社区建立持久的关系。他拥有认证公寓投资组合主管 (CAPS) 和认证住宅经理 (ARM) 行业认证,并获得了中央华盛顿大学工商管理学士学位。闲暇时,Todd 喜欢与妻子和两个女儿共度时光,烹饪、划船和旅行。
Andi Hill 于 2018 年加入 Thrive,拥有超过 15 年的经验,担任区域总监一职,领导 40 个社区的 170 多名员工,价值超过 $1.8B。Andi 与员工和客户合作,监督业务、翻新和运营计划,以优化华盛顿州稳定和租赁公寓资产的业绩。Andi 非常适合担任这一职位,此前曾担任 Thrive Communities 的业务发展总监和区域经理(2018 - 2022 年),最近在所有权集团 RISE Properties Trust 的资产管理部门任职(2022 - 2023 年),负责管理 RISE 在大西雅图都会区的所有全资资产以及与东急合资的所有资产。在加入 Thrive 之前,Andi 管理一家国际设计公司的业务发展计划,并于 2007 年至 2018 年监督华盛顿特区和华盛顿州西雅图的经济发展和城市场所营造计划。
Andi 拥有公寓投资组合主管 (CAPS) 行业认证,并获得了伦敦政治经济学院社会政策理学硕士学位 (2007) 和俄勒冈大学政治学学士学位 (2005),并以优异成绩毕业。在她的职业生涯中,Andi 一直是西雅图和华盛顿特区各种组织的积极志愿者。
Jennifer Vivette
Jennifer brings over 25 years of multifamily experience, including ten years with Thrive Communities. Known for her nurturing leadership and relationship-building skills, she specializes in managing stabilized assets, redevelopments, transitions, and value-add projects. Jennifer is active in Washington State Multifamily Housing Association, serves currently on the WMFHA Gives committee, and was a finalist for the 2020 Emerald Award Portfolio Manager of the Year. She holds a Certified Apartment Portfolio Supervisor (CAPS) certification and is passionate about growing Thrive’s bench strength by leading the Thrive Area Manager Mentorship Program.
Troy Costello
Troy Costello joined Thrive in 2009, bringing with him over 15 years at Thrive with expertise in Community Management, Regional Leadership, and Senior-Regional operations, alongside a total of 20 years of experience in the real estate industry. Throughout his career, he has made significant strides in the Puget Sound Region, Maryland, and Virginia markets. Troy’s diverse skill set spans lease-ups, stabilized properties, redevelopments, as well as acquisitions and dispositions across both urban and suburban landscapes—always with a sharp focus on people and performance. Prior to joining Thrive, Troy made his mark at Mosaic Homes beginning in 2003, specializing in condominium conversions across the Greater Seattle area.
Shea Whitcomb
Shea joined Thrive in December 2023 as a Lease-up Regional Manager and quickly rose to a Senior Regional Manager in 2024. With over 16 years in the industry, she brings a collaborative and solution-oriented leadership style to the Regional Director position. She spent the first 8 years of her career in various onsite positions ranging from Leasing Consultant to Senior Property Manager. In 2017, she was promoted to Regional Supervisor where she was responsible for new construction, renovation and affordable communities in both urban and suburban markets throughout Oregon and Washington. Her multifaceted experience compliments her ability to think strategically and maximize revenue while providing exceptional support to her team.
In her new role as Regional Director – Lease – Ups, she is focusing on strengthening existing relationships in her stellar lease-up RM group and building a dynamic portfolio of new construction properties in the market. She will continue to leverage her extensive lease-up expertise and work to partner with other Thrive departments to create and refine a truly exceptional Thrive lease-up process.
Mario Manriquez
Mario began his multifamily career over a decade ago as a Leasing Consultant and has since held every position within an onsite team. This extensive, hands-on experience has provided him with a deep, operational perspective that has been instrumental in his success as a Regional Manager. Mario consistently exemplified Thrive’s core values, building and nurturing strong, long-term relationships with clients while mentoring and developing high-performing teams. His leadership has been instrumental in fostering a culture of engagement, empowerment, and continuous performance improvement across his portfolio. Under his guidance, his teams have achieved significant operational success, both in terms of client satisfaction and overall business outcomes. His ability to lead by example, foster high-performing teams, and deliver exceptional results makes him a key contributor to Thrive’s ongoing success.
Don 通过监督、愿景和战略方向领导维护团队,为 Thrive 的客户群提供支持。在他的指导下,Thrive 的维护团队确保每项资产的物理状况安全、美观且得到妥善维护。
Don 拥有超过 30 年的公寓行业经验,是资本规划和执行、费用控制、环境监督、员工安全、职业安全与健康管理局 (OSHA)、美国残疾人法案 (ADA) 和建筑管理方面的专家。他对培训和组建团队的热情帮助 Thrive 吸引和留住顶尖人才。
Don 是一名认证泳池操作员、泳池和热水浴缸联盟的讲师、认证通用技师,同时也是 ESCO 学院的监考员。